TIV collaborated with the World Bank and IFC in Drafting a Novel White Paper on AI Ethics in 2017
TIV experts co-authored the white paper “Exploring Legal, Ethical and Policy Implications of Artificial Intelligence,” in which they investigated the unchartered waters of AI and Law, in addition to the ethical implications of AI (e.g., “The Black Box Problem”). As AI continues to scale in a non-linear fashion, the authors elucidated the current status of AI and its potential for disruptive infiltration of multiple industries. In preparing for the significant changes AI may portend, the authors covered a vast spectrum of topics, including public policy changes, the role of autonomous vehicles, its effects on the national legislature, and the impact on jobs and the economy, with a particular emphasis on developing countries.
The study presented during the 2017 Global Forum on Law Justice and Development (LJD), hosted at the World Bank, offered elements of framework for AI governance, and also considerations that could inform World Bank agenda on the topic in line with its mission of Shared Prosperity. The annual LJD event brings together top thinkers, practitioners, law minister, and judges to deliberate on the most complex challenges. Simultaneously, multiple solutions and prophylactic measures were suggested in light of AI and related emerging technologies underpinning the Fourth Industrial Revolution topics, a field in which TIV continues to help shape global thinking.